Mills and Millers of Ireland Summer Event 2016 – Mills of Enniscorthy

The Society of Mills and Millers of Ireland was launched in 2001 to encourage and assist in the preservation and appreciation of mills as part of our industrial, architectural and landscape heritage. There are hundreds of mills and mill sites spread across the country and while many are beautifully refurbished or put to good use, there are also many others which could be restored or renovated while preserving their traditional context. The society aims to promote interest and awareness in this aspect of Ireland’s industrial heritage by building up knowledge and expertise in areas such as law, architecture, renewable energy and manufacturing and making information available through publications, lectures and events.

Ballyminane Traditional Water Mill., BAllindaggin, Enniscorthy
Ballyminane Traditional Water Mill., BAllindaggin, Enniscorthy

The Mills and Millers of Ireland Summer Event 2016 will take place on June 25th and this year the society will visit the Mills of Enniscorthy and environs.

Meet from 10.30am Holywell House, Enniscorthy, County Wexford

Directions: take New Ross road from Enniscorthy. Within 60km zone, pass former Davis Mill on left & take next left. The entrance to Holywell House is an immediate sharp left  turn.

Bessmount Watermill & Bio-energy centre
Bessmount Watermill & Bio-energy centre

11.00am         Registration, Coffee/Tea

11:30am         Visit to Ballyminane Mill, home of Uncle Aidan’s Stoneground flour

12.30am         Bessmount Watermill & Bio-energy centre and presentation by

                       Dr Michael Snoek:  A photographic history of Mills on the River Urrin

1.30-2.30pm  Lunch at Holywell House

3pm                Visit to Kilcarbery Mill

Fee for the day including refreshments and lunch: €25 per person.

Entrance into Kilcarbery Mill
Entrance into Kilcarbery Mill

To Book:  Choose option A or B

(A) Please download and complete the booking form here and return with your payment to: Honorary Treasurer Mr Niall Griffin, Ballindud Mill Cottage, Waterford. Cheques made payable to MMOI

(B) Pay for the event using the PayPal secure online payment option button. Please select the number of places from the drop down menu.

Telephone enquiries: S. Bourke 087 9699387