Comments on: A labour of love ~ restoring Howsham Mill back to its Gothic Georgian glory! highly professional engineering company specialising in renewable energy solutions Wed, 15 Nov 2023 16:00:20 +0000 hourly 1 By: Frank Thu, 03 Oct 2013 13:37:16 +0000 In reply to Brian.

It is fabulous Brian and a credit to all involved with its restoration. Many long hours of reasearch was carried out before any of the work was undertaken, most of which was voluntary work from the community. It has a wonderful natural environment with unspoilt woodland and is now also the home of otters which were introduced back into the area in the 1980’s.

By: Brian Thu, 03 Oct 2013 08:53:37 +0000 Fabulous and done in a way that retained so many beautiful features. Great to see that it was not allowed to go into wrack and ruin.

By: Frank Thu, 26 Sep 2013 21:55:15 +0000 In reply to Dee Sewell.

It is truly amazing Dee. Endless hours of volunteering from the local community brought this beautiful mill back to its former glory. A true testament to what a community can achieve when they put their minds to it.

By: Dee Sewell Wed, 25 Sep 2013 21:57:53 +0000 It’s beautiful! Everyone involved should be very proud of their achievement, fantastic to see a building renovated to such a standard.
