Presentation of NUI Certificates in Renewable Energy Technologies and Systems

On Saturday November 30th NUI Kilkenny Campus held its annual Presentation of Certificate ceremony. Professor Rowena Peccehnino, Dean of  the Faculty of Social Science at NUI Maynooth, and Head of the Department of Economics, Finance and Accounting presented the Certificates with the help of Dr. Willie Smyth and Maeve O’Byrne, Acting Head of Campus.

Certificates were awarded to over 70 students on the day. As tutor of the NUI Certificate in Renewable Energy, Technologies and Systems course it was a privilege to be invited along to be part of the celebrations and see the students receive their certificates.

NUIM Graduation 2013- Renewable Energy

The course provided the students with a broad overview of micro and small scale renewable energy technologies and systems. These included wind turbines, hydro turbines, solar photovoltaic, solar thermal, heat pumps and biomass. It  introduced the science behind the technologies, and the applications of this science including opportunities for small business development and/or further education. The programme was designed and delivered by Frank and the Dept. of Electronic Engineering, NUI Maynooth and was ran at Kilkenny Campus. It used an innovative mix of online learning and face to face contact.

Module 1: Renewable Energy Technology
An overview of Renewable Energy in the national and international context (energy usage, resources grid etc); and Renewable Energy Technologies including wind, hydro, solar PV and heating, heating pumps, and ocean energy.

Module 2: Renewable Energy Design Case Study 
This module involved each student picking a technology area from the following list: wind energy (micro or commercial); small hydro, solar PV, solar thermal, heat pumps. Each student completed a project including resource quantification, design and specification of a renewable energy installation, a calculation of the likely energy output and an approximate economic analysis of the project.

Module 3: Renewable Energy Industry Seminar Series 
This module was delivered through e-learning (Moodle) and allowed participants access to the wealth of commercial expertise in design, installation, management, financing and operation of renewable energy installations in Ireland. The objective was to tap into the expertise and to the issues associated with real world implementation of renewable energy technology.

We wish the lads the best of  luck and best wishes for a bright and green future from all of us at Eco Evolution!

Chooseday’s Choice! ~ LED’s or Traditional Christmas lights?

Where does YOUR energy go?

We all like to decorate our Christmas trees and the exterior of the house with hundreds of those little twinkling lights and you don’t have to stop doing that to go green. However, you do need to replace those traditional Christmas lights from years past with the newest kid on the block – LED (light emitting diode) Christmas lights.

They use up to 90% less energy than traditional incandescent Christmas lights so they will save you money during the Christmas season, especially if you like to use a lot of lighting. Beyond the decrease in energy usage, these LED lights produce very little heat which significantly reduces the risk of fire and they last about 10 times longer than traditional lights.

You Choose!

LEDS's  or Traditional Christmas Lights?
LEDS’s or Traditional Christmas Lights?

Here are some Green Christmas tips that’ll help you to save money, reduce your Christmas carbon footprint and won’t cost the Earth!

Wishing everyone a very happy and safe Christmas!

Happy Christmas!


Chooseday’s Choice! ~ Artifical or locally grown Christmas trees?

Where does YOUR energy go?

Although plastic Christmas trees are reusable from year to year, real trees are the more sustainable choice. Plastic trees are made mostly of plastic and use up resources in both the manufacture and shipping. While artificial trees theoretically last forever, research shows that they are typically discarded when repeated use makes them less attractive. Discarded artificial trees are then sent to landfills, where their plastic content makes them last forever.

Live trees, on the other hand, are a renewable resource grown on tree farms, that are replanted regularly. They contribute to air quality while growing, and almost ninety percent are recycled into mulch. Live trees are usually locally grown and sold, saving both transportation costs and added air pollution.

You Choose!

Artifical or locally grown Christmas tree?
Artifical or locally grown Christmas tree?

Visit your local garden centre and buy a live Irish grown tree in a large pot. This will allow you to reuse the tree for a few years without having to plant or re-pot the tree. If you have a spacious garden the tree can be planted out after Christmas where it can be enjoyed for many years and also help the environment and reducing our carbon footprint.

Don’t forget to go to your local council’s website after Christmas for details on tree recycling and collection.

Here are some Green Christmas tips that’ll help you to save money, reduce your Christmas carbon footprint and won’t cost the Earth!