Renewable Energy Support Scheme – Public Consultation 2015

Update! The department of Communications, Energy and Natural Resources have extended the public consultation until 18 September 2015.


Two public consultation documents, published by Minister for Energy Alex White on Friday 31st July 2015 seek views on the renewable energy technologies that currently receive financial support from the State, and whether the Government should broaden the range of technologies it supports. One consultation focuses on renewable electricity technologies, while the other focusses on renewable heat systems.
The future of energy is in your hands!
The future of energy is in your hands!
The consultation on renewable electricity supports says that, while wind energy will continue to make an important contribution to meeting Ireland’s renewable energy targets, it should be complemented by other technologies to meet the country’s renewable energy ambitions. It says these could include bioenergy, solar, offshore wind, wave and tidal technologies if they are both technically feasible and cost effective, and says the consultation will help determine whether supports are necessary to develop these technologies.
The consultation will also explore the potential and value of providing supports to micro-generation and smaller community-based projects.
The Renewable Heat Incentive consultation document proposes a renewable heat incentive (RHI) to encourage larger industrial and commercial heat users to switch to systems that produce heat from renewable sources, including biomass. It will inform an assessment of the feasibility of various technologies deployed to produce heat from renewables and tariffs “at a level that represents the most cost effective transition to the levels of renewable heat required.”
The consultations will help determine the criteria for financial support schemes to replace existing programmes, including the REFIT schemes, which expire at the end of this year. They both emphasise the importance of citizen and stakeholder engagement in the development of renewable energy policy and infrastructure.
Renewable Energy Support Scheme - Public Consultation 2015
Renewable Energy Support Scheme – Public Consultation 2015
 Minister White said: “Encouraging the use of renewable electricity and heat sources will help us meet ambitious targets to reduce carbon emissions and tackle global warming. The energy White Paper, which I will publish in October, will set us on a path to transform Ireland’s energy production and consumption patterns so that, by 2050, our system will be largely decarbonised. One objective is to develop and broaden the range of renewable energy technologies at our disposal, which will also drive innovation and create green jobs.
“Our energy transition must respect citizens, who recognise the need to stop global warming, but who may also be concerned about the impact of energy technology and infrastructure on their communities. These consultations give everyone the opportunity to express their views on the renewable electricity and heat technologies that Government could support, before any decisions are made.”
The 2009 EU Renewable Energy Directive set Ireland a legally binding target of meeting 16% of its energy requirements from renewable sources by 2020. Ireland is committed to meeting 40% of electricity demand from renewable sources, as well as 12% of heat demand and 10% of transport fuel. Last October, the European Council reached political agreement on a target of a 40% reduction in European greenhouse gas emissions by 2030. The agreement committed the EU as a whole to increase the proportion of energy it gets from renewable sources to 27%.
The consultation will remain open until 17:30 Friday 11th September.
Submissions may be made in writing to
Alternatively submissions may be made in writing to:
Decarbonisation Division
Department of Communications, Energy and Natural Resources,
29-31 Adelaide Road,
Dublin 2
D02 X285
For more information see:
Laser cut waterwheel designed and installed to generate electricity.

The waterwheel is an ancient device that uses flowing or falling water to create power by means of a set of paddles or buckets mounted around a wheel. A waterwheel consists of a large wooden or metal wheel, with a number of paddles or buckets  arranged on the outside rim forming the driving surface. Most commonly, the wheel is mounted vertically on a horizontal axle. Prior uses of water wheels include milling flour in gristmills and grinding wood into pulp for paper making, but other uses include hammering wrought iron, machining, ore crushing and pounding fibre for use in the manufacture of cloth.

Traditional waterwheel
Traditional waterwheel

On occasion the old water wheel is still insitu and can be refurbished but in many cases the wheel has been removed and sadly sold for scrap metal value or taken apart to be kept as keepsakes or used as garden ornaments. If a mill has a vacant wheel pit it is possible to construct a water wheel which is aesthetically pleasing and bring the character back to the old mill. On some old mill sites access to the wheel pit is confined and in cases like this the preferred option is a bespoke laser cut waterwheel.

Components of a laser cut waterwheel

The spokes, rims and buckets are all fabricated from pre-galvanised sheet finished with polyester powder coating. These lightweight components were easily and rapidly assembled using stainless steel nuts and bolts without the need for welding or any special tools on site.

Laser cut waterwheel designed and installed to generate electricity.

The waterwheel arrives flat packed on site and during construction, the waterwheel components can be lifted in place without the need for heavy lifting machinery, reducing installation time and health and safety risks. This also allows assembly in areas with limited access e.g. rural areas with narrow roads.

Waterwheel instalied and generating electricity

Advantages of waterwheels

Waterwheels are widely regarded as being rather inefficient compared with turbines. This is not necessarily the case as studies have shown that waterwheel efficiency can be in excess of 80% for Overshot waterwheels and 75% for Breast-shot waterwheels [Muller 2004]. This in combination with highly respectable part-flow performance and lack of fine intake screening requirements can often result in very worthwhile overall energy capture so are still a viable proposition for producing electricity for domestic purposes. They are simple to control and aesthetically pleasing. Although they run relatively slowly and require a high ratio gearbox to drive a generator, for low powers – say below 5kW – and heads below 3m, they are worth considering.

Water wheels are also safe for the passage of fish.

  • Output reduction due to screen blockages is avoided since fine intake screens are not required.
  • Part-flow performance of waterwheels can be very good without requiring complex control systems.
  • Often minimal building work is required, particularly at former watermills if there is a vacant wheel pit.
  • Waterwheels have obvious aesthetic benefits over turbines and provide an excellent attraction at sites where visitors are encouraged.

To keep up to date with our hydropower projects or to find out more about hydropower you can  find us on Facebook or Twitter and  Google+ . To talk to one of our engineers contact us hereWe offer a turnkey service if required and would be happy to discuss your requirements.

Historic Corn Mill becomes home to an Archimedean Screw hydropower turbine

It’s been a few years now since the Archimedean screw hydropower turbine was installed and commissioned at Frensham Mill. However, I feel it gives a good insight into what can be achieved at old mill sites. You will see how the owners embraced hydropower and then made improvements to the landscape to increase the existing wildlife and natural habitat of the site.

Mill History:

Frensham Mill is an ancient mill site dating back to at least 1217 when the mill at ‘Feresham’ is mentioned in the Bishop of Winchester’s Rent Rolls. The mill had two mill ponds to ensure that the corn mill had a constant supply of water even if the main river supply ran low; one of which was built on a small Wey tributary carrying runoff from Frensham Great Pond. This large pond feeds into the Wey about half a mile above where the mill was located. The house was re-modelled in 1928 following the demolition of the old mill. At his time a Francis turbine was used to generate electricity. When the Mill was rebuilt in 1876 it was possibly the largest in SW Surrey. The oldest building, the Granary, was renovated in 2012 along with the gardens and the hydro/ heat pump project.

Frensham Mill during the Victorian era  Photo Credit: Frensham Mill
Frensham Mill during the Victorian era Photo Credit: Frensham Mill

The owners wanted to make the most of the renewable energy potential of the old mill race.  The solution was to combine an 11kW Archimedes screw hydropower turbine with a 30kW water source heat pump. Today the mill produces 70kWh of electricity per year and 90kWh of heat, saving over 50 tonnes of CO2 emissions per annum.

Installing the Archimedean Screw hydropower turbine  Photo credit: Mannpower Consulting Ltd
Installing the Archimedean Screw hydropower turbine      Photo credit: Mannpower Consulting Ltd

The Mill had been a barrier to migratory fish for hundreds of years. In order to improve migratory fish passage the Environment Agency specified a fish pass and upgraded stream to link upstream and downstream for the first time in hundreds of years to encourage trout, eels etc. The river banks were restored and the water meadow was reinstated with wild flowers. Around 10% of the river’s flow is directed down the fish pass and into an old ditch to provide a link between upstream and downstream. A series of 10 gravel pools were installed to step down the levels to the mill pond, providing areas of gravel as potential spawning areas.

Archimedean Screw commissioned and generating electricity   Photo Credit: Mannpower Consulting Ltd
Archimedean Screw commissioned and generating electricity Photo Credit: Mannpower Consulting Ltd

The green sand river banks had become severely eroded and were restored with an environmentally friendly planted coir roll system. With the environment utmost in their minds the owners decided to restore the river banks with this system designed to provide an enhanced aquatic habitat both above and below the waterline. Posts were driven into the river bed and pre-planted coir rolls were then placed on top of willow screening and back filled. Today the new banks have become very established.

River bank restoration at Frensham Mill  Photo Credit: Frensham Mill
River bank restoration at Frensham Mill         Photo Credit: Frensham Mill

A survey of the site also found evidence of Serotine & Brown Long Eared bats.  A light proofed area and improved access tiles were installed in the main roof as part of requirements to enhance their habitat. A survey found an established badger trail along the eastern boundary of the site ( that was left undisturbed by the works). Water voles and kingfishers have also been spotted on site.

Photo Credit: Mannpower Consulting Ltd
Completed hydropower project                   Photo Credit: Mannpower Consulting Ltd

And the Archimedean  screw is now set in a garden intended to reflect the spiralling curves of the screw. The water meadow is in the process of restoration with a plan to plant over one acre of wild flowers.

Archimedes set in a garden designed to reflect the spirals of the turbine
Archimedes set in the garden designed to reflect the screw spirals   Photo Credit: Frensham Mill

Once again we see the Ancient power of Archimedes being used for hydropower generation because if it’s fish-friendly credentials. The Archimedean Screw turbine provides a fish-friendly alternative to conventional turbines, ideally suited to low-head (1m-10m) sites, and sites with fish protection issues. Extensive fish passage tests have conclusively demonstrated that the large water chambers and slow rotation of the Archimedean Screw allow fish of all sizes, and debris, safe passage through the turbine. As a result, the Environment Agency has agreed that no screening is required.

To keep up to date with our hydropower projects or to find out more about hydropower you can  find us on Facebook or Twitter or Google+ . To talk to one of our engineers contact us here

A return visit to Penllergare Valley Woods hydropower scheme

On our recent trip to the London we decided to bring the car and take the ferry to Fishguard to visit some of the hydropower sites we have worked on over the last year. Our first port of call was a visit to Penllergare Valley Woods, a picturesque landscape hidden away in a steep valley just a stone’s throw, yet a world away, from the M4 in north Swansea.

The Archimedean Screw along side the man made waterfall
The Archimedean Screw along side the man made waterfall

As part of the upgrade and restoration of Penllergare Valley Woods a 30kW Archimedean Screw Hydro Turbine was installed to ensure a sustainable future for Penllergare Valley. A little over a year ago the hydropower scheme was commissioned and is now generating clean green electricity to power the new visitor centre with excess being sold back to the national grid. The Archimedean Screw with a length of 11m and a capacity of 2880 m3/h is situated next to the waterfall. The enclosed compact design was the preferred design of screw for this particular site as the design minimised the installation cost and doesn’t intrude on the existing landscape.

30kW Archimedean Screw
30kW Archimedean Screw

With its lakes and waterfalls, terraces, panoramic views, exotic trees and shrubs, this forgotten Victorian paradise is being slowly restored and brought back to life by the Penllergare Trust. Penllergare Valley Woods was once a famous gentry estate and home to John Dillwyn Llewelyn, the notable 19-century horticulturalist, philanthropist and pioneering photographer. It is Llewelyn’s design, vision and influence behind the picturesque and romantic landscapes of the park.

A return visit to Penllergare Valley Woods Hydropower schemePenllergare Valley Woods is a place where you can enjoy the sound of birds, delight in the profusion of wild flowers, discover evidence of exotic plantings and uncover for yourself the hidden features of a grand design. Wildlife research carried out by Swansea Council has found the estate is very significant for amphibians and acts as a “corridor” for animals to thrive and move about.

One of the many ancient Rhododendrons in full bloom
One of the many ancient Rhododendrons in full bloom
Through hard work, persistence and community spirit by local volunteers and with the financial support of sponsors and the Friends of Penllergare membership scheme, they have been working hard over the last decade or so to maintain and to restore the Penllergare landscape to the romantic style shown in the photographs of John Dillwyn Llewelyn who created it. The rhododendrons, the legacy of the ‘plant hunting’ Dillwyn Llewlyn family in the 19th centurywere a popular sight along every walk way.
Beautiful woodland walk
Beautiful woodland walk
It was obvious throughout our visit that volunteers had been working hard replanting specimen trees and ornamental shrubberies which had been lost from the existing landscape. They have also been thinning and managing areas of dense trees and shrub to reopen historic views.
A return visit to Penllergare Valley Woods hydropower scheme
Visitors can enjoy over 12km of walks including along the Carriage Drive to the now demolished former home of the Dillwyn Llewelyn family, and also down into the gorge where the family created the upper lake with a stunning man made waterfall. Paths and tracks lead on down alongside the afon Llan as it meanders its way to Fforest fach.
A return visit to Penllergare Valley Woods Hydropower scheme
A return visit to Penllergare Valley Woods Hydropower schemeThroughout the last few years the upper lake has been de-silted, and steps, terraces, the stone-arched Llewelyn bridge, waterfalls and cascades have been repaired and restored to reinstate the picturesque and romantic design.
Some of the many ancient trees
Some of the many ancient trees

A return visit to Penllergare Valley Woods hydropower schemeUsing photographic evidence from the 19th century, the old stone bridge was recreated in the traditional style by local stonemasons.

The original stone bridge
The recreated stone bridge

After walking for hours and checking out the Archimedean Screw we spent some time browsing through the information books and leaflets in the visitor centre and then enjoyed a cup of coffee at the small cafe which has stunning views from the cafe terrace to the upper lake. If you’re ever in the area it is well worth a visit. Dogs are also welcome 🙂 🙂

Mills & Millers of Ireland Summer Event –Saturday 4th July 2015

The Society of Mills and Millers of Ireland was launched in 2001 to encourage and assist in the preservation and appreciation of mills as part of our industrial, architectural and landscape heritage. There are hundreds of mills and mill sites spread across the country and while many are beautifully refurbished or put to good use, there are also many others which could be restored or renovated while preserving their traditional context. The society aims to promote interest and awareness in this aspect of Ireland’s industrial heritage by building up knowledge and expertise in areas such as law, architecture, renewable energy and manufacturing and making information available through publications, lectures and events.

Old Mill Coffee Shop, Upperlands
Old Mill Coffee Shop, Upperlands

The Old Mill Coffee Shop is based in the heart of the Historic Linen Village of Upperlands and opened in March 2013 it is a restored beetling mill bursting with character. The beetling mill is situated beside the coffee shop, this is said to be the only commercial beetling mill in the world!

Beetling Mills Coffee Shop

This year’s Summer event is a one day event taking place on the 04th July in the lovely countryside of County Derry. It’s going to be a very active day with visits to several local mills, a tour of the Beetling Mill in Upperlands and a talk by Mr. Douglas Lamont followed by a visit to the Clark family. After lunch the group will visit Barney and Michael Lagan, Upperlands. Take a look at the timetable to see the list of interesting events that have been organised.

Mills & Millers of Ireland Summer event 2015
Mills & Millers of Ireland Summer event 2015

Fee for the day including refreshments and lunch: €25 per person.

To book:
(A) Download a booking form here and return to: Hon. Treasurer Mr. John Delaney, Ballingard Road, Roscommon, County Roscommon (Cheques payable to MMOI)

(B) Pay for the event using the PayPal secure online payment option button. Please select the number of places from the drop down menu.

Telephone enquiries: S. Bourke

Hydropower – the world’s oldest method of harnessing clean power

Greater awareness of the potential damage to the planet from global warming has lead governments and multinational organisations to take measures to mitigate the impacts of human activity on the climate. With little or no CO2 and other greenhouse gas emissions and high energy payback, hydropower supports clean development and is recognised as being fully renewable and sustainable.

Hydropower -
Hydropower – the world’s oldest method of harnessing clean power

 Some interesting hydropower  facts:

  • Hydropower is the world’s leading renewable energy resource and the oldest method of harnessing clean power – the first waterwheels were used over 2,000 years ago
  • It currently produces around 17% of the world’s electricity and 90% of the world’s renewable power
  • Twenty-five countries depend on hydropower  for 90% of their electricity
  • Less than one third of the world’s practical hydro capacity has been developed
  • Hydropower beats all other electricity generating technologies with a pay-back ratio of 300 (energy produced/energy to produce) – this is ten times more than oil-fired power stations.
  • There are no direct CO 2 emissions from hydro projects.
Hydropower -
The first waterwheels were used over 2,000 years ago
  • Small hydro schemes have minimum visual impact on their surrounding environment.
  • Hydropower, after 150 years as an electricity generating source, is still one of the most inexpensive ways to generate power
  • Most large hydro stations have dams but thousands of small hydro stations don’t – they are ‘run-of-river’ schemes and make a minimal impact on the environment
  • Hydro is the only renewable technology that can be used to store large quantities of energy in a clean environmentally-friendly way. This is done by reservoir storage and pumped storage schemes.
  • Hydro installations can have a useful life of over 100 years – many such plants are in existence worldwide
  • A modern hydro turbine generator can convert over 90% of the energy in the available water into electricity. This is more efficient than any other form of generation.
Shane's Castle Archimedes Screw Installation - largest single screw ever to be manufactured
Shane’s Castle Archimedes Screw Installation NI- largest single screw ever to be manufactured

Hydropower is a flexible technology, proven, improved and refined over many years, yet its site-specific features make it highly innovatory in application, which makes use of a wide range of available resource – large or small, storage or run-of-river, and including tidal range, canals and even water treatment works. It is still one of the most inexpensive ways to generate power, playing an important role in our electricity system stability.

If you are the owner of an old mill site or a potential hydro site, would like to refurbish or replace a water wheel or a community group interested in developing a hydro project for community use we can help. Just contact us here and we will answer all queries and help you every step of the way with your proposed project.




Chooseday’s Choice! ~ Wood Fuel or Fossil Fuel?

Where does YOUR  energy go?

Fossil fuels are derivatives of plant and animal fossils that are million of years old. These are primarily formed from the remains of the decayed plants and animals. The three fuel sources coal, natural gas and oil help to meet the energy and electricity demands of today’s world.  Fossil fuels are non-renewable energy resources. Their supply is limited so they will eventually run out. Fossil fuels do not renew themselves, while fuels such as wood can be renewed endlessly.

Pollution is a major disadvantage that is formed due to fossil fuels as they release carbon dioxide when they burn, which adds to the greenhouse effect and increases global warming.  Coal and oil release sulphor  dioxide gas when they burn, which causes breathing problems for living creatures and contributes to acid rain.


You Choose!

You Choose - Wood Fuel or Fossil Fuel
You Choose – Wood Fuel or Fossil Fuel

Wood Fuel:

Using wood fuel instead of peat, coal and gas to heat our homes is a sustainable choice, and makes a positive contribution to the environment. Wood is ‘CO2 neutral’, the amount of CO2 wood releases during burning is equal to that which is absorbed during growth. In contrast, burning fossil fuels releases the global warming gas carbon dioxide, as well as other damaging pollutants. Wood fuel also takes just 5-20 years to grow, whereas peat and coal were formed over hundreds of thousands of years.

WFQA – Wood Fuel Quality Assurance:

wfqaThe Wood Fuel Quality Assurance (WFQA) scheme provides a simple but reliable way for consumers to purchase quality wood fuels that are accurately described, meet the supplier’s stated product specifications, and are produced in compliance with EUTR (EU Timber Regulation) ensuring sustainably produced woodfuels.


Modern, highly efficient stoves and boilers make wood fuel a practical and sustainable option for today’s lifestyle!




Mills and Millers of Ireland Spring Event 2015 – Mills of East Waterford

The Society of Mills and Millers of Ireland was launched in 2001 to encourage and assist in the preservation and appreciation of mills as part of our industrial, architectural and landscape heritage. There are hundreds of mills and mill sites spread across the country and while many are beautifully refurbished or put to good use, there are also many others which could be restored or renovated while preserving their traditional context. The society aims to promote interest and awareness in this aspect of Ireland’s industrial heritage by building up knowledge and expertise in areas such as law, architecture, renewable energy and manufacturing and making information available through publications, lectures and events.

Mills and Millers of Ireland Spring Event 2015
Ballindud Mill Photo Credit: Ballindud Mill and Cottage

This year’s Spring event is a one day event taking place on the 18th April in the lovely countryside of County Waterford. It’s going to be a very active day with visits to several local mills, Ballindud Mill, Jim Butler’s Mill, Tom Butler’s Gorteens Mill, Strangsmills and a talk by historian John Walsh on local East Waterford Mills. . Take a look at the timetable to see the list of interesting events that have been organised.

MMOI spring event 2015

Fee for the day including refreshments and lunch: €25 per person.

To book:
(A) Download a booking form here and return to: Hon. Treasurer Mr. John Delaney, Ballingard Road, Roscommon, County Roscommon (Cheques payable to MMOI)

(B) Pay for the event using the PayPal secure online payment option button. Please select the number of places from the drop down menu.


Major Increase in Energy Efficiency Grants to Householders

Minister for Energy, Alex White T.D., today announced a boost in the level of grants available to householders who want to undertake energy efficiency improvements. The cash value of every grant available to householders under the Better Energy Homes Scheme has been increased by between 25-50%. In addition, a bonus payment has been introduced which will see householders receive bonus payments if they complete three or more energy efficiency improvements.

The new grant levels are effective immediately and will apply to everyone who has applied for a grant that has not yet been paid. The previous minimum grant threshold of €400 has been abolished and a bonus payment of €300 for householders who undertake three efficiency measures has been introduced, with an additional bonus payment of €100 available to householders who undertake four measures. The bonus payments are available to new applicants and to householders who have already availed of the scheme who wish to undertake further upgrades.

Major Increase in Energy Efficiency Grants to Householders
The changes in grant levels, effective from today

The Better Energy Homes Scheme provides grants to homeowners to undertake energy efficiency measures such as insulating walls or attics and installing new heating systems. Since the scheme was launched in 2009 more than 165,000 homes have undertaken energy efficiency upgrades with a total Government investment of €172m.

Under the revised scheme, a family in a semi-detached house could benefit from a grant payment of up to €4700 for external wall insulation, a boiler and heating control upgrade, and cavity and attic insulation. A couple in an apartment could receive €3400 towards internal wall insulation, a boiler and heating control upgrade and the installation of solar thermal heating.

Major Increase in Energy Efficiency Grants to Householders
Improve the Energy Efficiency of your home with Cavity Wall and Attic Insulation

The Better Energy Warmer Homes scheme (BEWH), administered by the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland, funds energy efficiency improvements in the homes of the elderly and vulnerable, making the homes more comfortable, healthier and more cost effective to run. The Better Energy Warmer Homes services are provided by a panel of SEAI appointed non-profit community based organisations (CBO’s) and a panel of SEAI appointed private contractors. The Installers are assigned to a household depending on their geographic location. CBO’s and contractors deliver the BEWH to the highest quality assurance standards. Inspections are carried out on a sample of homes completed to ensure the standards are maintained.

The scheme is available to non-Local Authority owner occupied homes constructed before 2006. The owner of the property has also to be in receipt of one of the following:

  • Fuel Allowance as part of the National Fuel Scheme
  • Job Seekers allowance for over six months and with children under 7 years of age
  • Family income support

The service involves the installation of standard energy efficiency measures appropriate to the eligible household subject to SEAI survey, budget allocation and available capacity. The service is provided at no cost to the household and the measures currently available under this scheme are:

  • Attic insulation.
  • Draught proofing.
  • Lagging jackets.
  • Low energy light bulbs.
  • Cavity wall insulation.
  • Energy advice.

Landlords can avail of grants from Better Energy Homes if they have tenants in, or at risk of, energy poverty.

The Better Energy Homes scheme provides assistance to homeowners to reduce energy use, costs and greenhouse gas emissions and improve the comfort levels within their home. It is a national scheme therefore all homeowners of dwelling built before 2006 may apply. Landlords and owners of multiple properties may also apply, however they must submit a separate application form for each property.  Grants are available for eligible applicants for under taking energy efficient  upgrades.

Read full press release



National Tree Week 1 – 8 March 2015 ~ ‘ Do you love Trees?’

The theme for National Tree Week 2015 is ‘Do you love trees?’

The launch of National Tree Week being sponsored by ESB takes place in Castletown House in Co Kildare on 1st March where the Tree Council will be giving away over 2,000 trees and 15,000 during the week thanks to Coillte.  National Tree Week is an annual week long fun festival about trees organised by The Tree Council of Ireland.  In celebration of National Tree Week individuals, families, schools and local communities are encouraged to participate in and support events taking place around the country during the week.

National Tree Week 2015 - Do you love trees?

By doing something as simple as planting a tree, everyone can play their part in making a difference to our efforts to live more sustainably, bringing about huge  benefits, many of which will have long term impact in times of climate uncertainty.

Despite great advances in the past 100 years, Ireland remains one of the least wooded countries in Europe with only 11% of our land planted with trees compared to the European average of 40%.  Ireland has agreed a target to increase our forest cover to 17% by 2035.  This initiative will provide new jobs, build our forestry industry and help improve our environment.

On a global level, trees play a significant role in mitigating against climate change by soaking up carbon emissions and in the sustainable wood resource they provide.  Trees also improve air quality, providing us with clean air to breathe, and reduce the effects of flash flooding and soil erosion.  They give shade to make streets and buildings cooler in summer and improve the energy efficiency of buildings by providing shelter and reducing heat loss.  Without trees, life on earth would be intolerable.

National Tree Week 2015 - Do you love trees?

Get involved!

It’s easy to get involved as an individual or as a group.  The Tree Council of Ireland invites you to organise one or more events for the week to celebrate trees. As well as tree planting ceremonies, the range of events can include forest and woodland walks, nature trails, workshops, woodturning displays, talks, tree hugging, tree climbing etc. –  the choice is yours!

National Tree Week 2015 - Do you love trees?
Ferns Tidy Towns Group planting a copse of trees

What can you do to celebrate National Tree Week?

  • Check out the National Tree Week events programme and take part in an event near you.
  • Celebrate National Tree Week in your school by planting a tree or in the classroom by drawing pictures or making leaf prints or bark rubbings of trees, read or write poems or stories about trees, learn how to measure the height and spread of a tree, produce a class drama about trees.
  • Encourage your local residents association, tidy towns group, youth club, sports club or other local organisation to get their members involved in a tree planting or tree maintenance project (eg. clean-up a local woodland) in your area.
  • Volunteer in a local community tree-planting event. You’ll meet new people and make a difference in your community.
  • Organise a walk or trail to showcase and tell the stores of any large, unusual or historic trees in your community.
  • Commemorate an event of significance in your community by planting a tree and organise a community celebration or get together to mark the occasion.
  • Celebrate the week in a personal way by planting a tree yourself in your own garden.
  • Take some time to read a book about trees or find our more about their characteristics, their uses, folklore etc. Learn to identify trees in your neighbourhood.
  • Enjoy the outdoors. Visit a local forest or park or take a nature walk and enjoy observing and being in the company of trees.
  • Those in the business community could sponsor a community tree project.
National Tree Week 2015 - Do you love trees?
Woodland area of native trees at Scoil Naomh Maodhóg, Ferns

Even the smallest garden can accommodate a tree!

Just because your garden is small, don’t think that you can’t have trees. One of the advantages of planting trees is that there is a species to fit every location, regardless of size. Many people with small gardens only have space for one tree so choosing the right one is important. When planting in small enclosed spaces, it is advisable to plant trees that have a small crown spread. Eventual height is an important factor too. Even small ornamental trees may, over time, reach a height of 6-7m or more. If you only have room for one tree ideally look for one with more than one feature or season of interest such as coloured bark or fruit or autumn colour following on from flowers.

Some Native Tree Species to consider for Small Gardens.

Strawberry tree (Arbutus unedo) – Slow growing evergreen with shredding brown bark and dark green, leathery leaves. Clusters of pinkish white, pitcher-shaped flowers and red strawberry-like fruits are borne together in late autumn and winter. Height 5m.

Spindle (Euonymus europaeus) – Although inconspicuous for much of the year, this small tree is very showy in autumn and early winter when the leaves turn blazing scarlet and masses of rose-red capsules split open to reveal orange seeds. Height 4m.

Silver Birch (Betula pendula) – Distinctive silvery-white, peeling bark that becomes marked with black, rugged cracks as it gets older. In spring, yellow-brown male catkins appear and in late autumn the diamond-shaped, bright green foliage turns yellow before falling. Height 12m. Betula pendula ‘Youngii’ is a weeping form that develops a mushroom-headed habit with branches reaching to the ground.

Rowan (Sorbus aucuparia) – Choose the fastigiate form. Leaves turn deep, fiery red and yellow in autumn. Sprays of white flowers cover the tree in late spring, followed by bunches of red berries in autumn. Height 8m.

Yew (Taxas baccata) – Choose the columnar or fastigiate form. Slow growing coniferous tree forming a dense, compact column. Height 3m.


Recycling saves trees!

School Recycling Saves Trees Trees are essential to our world and offer a wide range of benefits to our environment so for the week that’s in it we should also remember that recycling saves trees! Each ton of recycled paper    can save 17 trees, 380 gallons of oil, three cubic yards of landfill space, 4000 kilowatts of energy, and 7000 gallons of water. This represents a 64% energy savings, a 58% water savings, and 60 pounds less of air pollution.


Wexford County Council National Tree Week Primary School Competition:

Wexford County Council have organised a competition for all primary schools in Co. Wexford to celebrate National Tree Week 2015 . The winning entry will win €200 worth of trees for their school and €100 for their own garden.

All you have to do is write a description of your favorite tree or planted area of trees in your garden, school or local area. Entries must not exceed 1 A4 page and it can include drawings or a photo of the tree if you like.  Don’t forget to write on the back your name, school and contact details.

Send your entry to Cliona Connolly, Environment Section, County Hall, Carricklawn, Wexford.

Closing date for receipt of all entries is Friday 13th March 2015.

What will you do to celebrate National Tree Week? Maybe you will attend one of the many events organised by the Tree Council of Ireland , help your local community group to plant some trees, plant a tree in your own garden or just go for a walk in the local woodland and admire the beauty of the many species of trees around you. Whatever you decide trees are essential and are a huge benefit to our environment.