Why Mini or Micro scale Hydro?
Small-scale hydro is one of the most long term cost-effective and reliable energy technologies to be considered for providing clean electricity generation. Hydropower is the nation’s most available, reliable, affordable and sustainable energy source requiring only the power of moving water from rivers and streams.
Weir on the river Camowen, Omagh
Weir on the river Camowen, Omagh
Small scale hydropower systems capture the energy in flowing water and converts it to usable energy. Although the potential for small hydro-electric systems depends on the availablity of suitable water flow, where the resource exists it can provide cheap clean reliable electricity. A well designed small hydropower system can blend with its surroundings and have minimal negative environmental impacts.
 Benefits of small scale hydropower:
  • A high conversion efficiency (70 – 90%), by far the best of all energy technologies.
  • A high capacity factor (typically >50%), compared with <10% for solar and around 30% for wind.
  • A high level of predictability, varying with annual rainfall patterns.
  • Slow rate of change; the output power varies only gradually from day to day (not from minute to minute).
  • A good correlation with demand i.e. output is maximum in Winter.
  • Hydro produces a continuous supply of electrical energy in comparison to other small-scale renewable technologies. 24 hour generation i.e. works at night.
  • It is a long-lasting and robust technology; systems can readily be engineered to last for 50 years or more.
  • Well-designed schemes are also environmentally benign. Small hydro is in most cases “run-of-river”;  in other words any impoundment is quite small, often an existing weir, and little or no water stored.
  • Small hydro schemes have minimum visual impact on their surrounding environment
  • A climate-friendly energy source with  no direct CO 2 emissions from hydro projects.
Therefore run-of-river installations do not have the same kinds of adverse effect on the local environment as large-scale hydro, which involves a substantial dam and a more fundamental alteration to the downstream flow pattern.

Why micro and small scale hydro?
Why micro and small scale hydro?
Hydropower is a flexible technology, proven, improved and refined over many years, yet its site-specific features make it highly innovatory in application, which makes use of a wide range of available resources – micro, small or large, storage or run-of-river, and  including tidal, canals and even water treatment works. It is still one of the most inexpensive ways to generate power, playing an important role in our electricity system stability.
If you are the owner of an old mill site or a potential hydro site, would like to refurbish or replace a water wheel or a community group interested in developing a hydro project for community use we can help. Just contact us here and we will answer all queries and help you every step of the way with your proposed project.
A look back at 2014 – the power of water!

The blog has been quite of late so now its time to get back into the swing of things.  And what better way than to look back on some of the most memorable posts of 2014.  While looking back through the posts over the past few days it has stuck  me just how busy we were in the last year!

We have had to spend a huge percentage of the year traveling and working in the UK due to the lack of support mechanisms and action on microgeneration here in Ireland. In December ESBCS withdrew their export tariff scheme to new microgeneration customers which now means there is no financial incentive in this country for microgeneration as ESBCS were the only supplier offering such a tariff. Contrast this to the ROCs system in NI and the REFIT scheme in Britain, both these schemes pay for actual generation not just what is exported, there is a smaller top-up payment for export. On the brighter side we got the opportunity to travel through the most scenic countryside to visit and work on beautiful rivers and old mills.

Working in the great outdoors
Working in the great outdoors

Penllergare Valley Woods.

Almost a year ago to the day we visited Penllergare Valley Woods located on the northern fringe of Swansea. It was once a famous gentry estate and home to John Dillwyn Llewelyn, the notable 19-century horticulturalist, philanthropist and pioneering photographer. The development of the hydropower scheme in Penllergare Valley Woods will generate sufficient power to meet the needs of the sites new visitor centre and excess sold to the National Grid, raising an expected £10,000 per year for the trust. The Archimedean Screw with a length of 11m and a capacity of 2880 m3/h is situated next to the waterfall at Penllergare Valley Woods.

Archimedean Screw with ell pass running along side
Archimedean Screw with ell pass running along side

 Osney Lock.

Osney Lock Hydro was the first community-owned hydro scheme to be built on the Thames. There was extraordinary support shown by local people towards the project. The Osney Lock Hydro share offer raised over £500,000 in just four weeks. Without this swift and significant support the project would not have been able to go ahead. Over 40% of the investment came from within a mile of the project and 4 out of 5 investors live in Oxfordshire.  On Tuesday 25th March at midday the dreams of the local residents came to life when a 4.35m-long, four-bladed Archimedean screw was installed at Osney Lock.


Osney lock hydro installation

 Mapledurham Watermill

The watermill is the last working corn and grist watermill on the River Thames and is still producing high-quality stone-ground flour today.  An Archimedean Screw hydro turbine was designed and installed in 2011 to replace the original turbine that had fallen into disrepair.   The 7.27 m Open Compact Archimedean Screw has a capacity of 5,000l/s and a predicted output of 99.95kW. It is estimated that it will save 221 tonnes of CO2 per annum. Over the course of a year, the screw will produce approximately 500,000kWh of renewable electricity which is being bought by Marks and Spencer via the national grid. The electricity generated is sufficient to power one of its stores.

Archimedean Screw
Archimedean Screw

The mill produces stone-ground flour using a waterwheel. Wholemeal and white flour, bran, semolina and Millers Mix, a blended combination bran and semolina, are all produced at the mill.  When the sale of the electricity has covered the cost of the turbine, the profits will go towards renovating the mill and its outbuildings to how it was 200 years ago. The new water wheel is the exact structural copy of the existing water wheel and is made out of oak which was sourced from the Mapledurham Estate.

New water wheel at Mapledurham

 Cragside House

Cragside was the first house in the world to be lit by hydroelectricity. On the 9th April, a century and a half  after the first hydropower installation at Cragside House a new hydropower turbine arrived onsite. A 21st century, 17m long Archimedean Screw rated at 12kW and weighing several tonnes was craned into position at the southern end of Tumbleton lake and  will produce enough energy to re-light the house just like Lord Armstrong did.


17m long Archimedean Screw insitu
17m long Archimedean Screw insitu


The project consists of two 3.6m diameter Archimedes Screw hydropower  turbines. The turbines were designed to rotate at a speed of 28rpm, which produce a maximum power output of 150kW.  The estimated annual power output is 670,000kWh enough electricity to power over 150 homes and gives an estimated annual CO2 saving of 288 tonnes. A small percentage of the power generated is used to power the owners home and the remainder is sold to the National Grid. The fish pass and hydropower scheme was offically opened in 2009.

Wordless Wednesday ~ the power of water!

 Sowton Weir

Sowton Mill stands on the  River Teign in Devon and has been using hydro power for over 400 years, initially to mill corn and then, from the 1950s, to generate electricity.  In the 1980s a 16kW crossflow turbine was installed which was the U.K.s smallest electricity contributor to the National Grid. To improve the power generation and aid fish migration a decision was made to install the fish-friendly Archimedean Screw hydro turbine. Sowton hydropower scheme was developed by a private client to provide a renewable source of electricity to the property on site with all excess power sold to the National Grid.

95kW Archimedean Screw Hydro turbine
95kW Archimedean Screw Hydro turbine

 Tours and Shows

One of the most exciting memories of 2014 was visiting the IFAT show in Munich and continuing on to visit some Archimedes Screw installations in Munich, Czech Republic and The Netherlands. IFAT 2014 is the world´s leading exhibition of innovation solutions for environmental technology. Climate change, rising raw material prices, an increasing number of mega-cities and advancing industrialization in emerging countries  boost the demand for products and services that address environmental and climate challenges. With growing pressures on European countries to reverse years of environmental damage and to find more integrated pollution control techniques, the potential is limitless.


Frank at IFAT 2014
Frank at IFAT 2014

There are many more projects both here and in the UK at various stages of build which I hope to blog about throughout 2015. The projects mentioned are a taste of what community groups, home owners and businesses have achieved in their desire to harness the power of the river to generate green electricity. On our trips around Ireland with the Mills and Millers of Ireland we met several mill owners and enthusiasts who, like us are promoting the benefits of hydropower and encourage and assist in the preservation of old mills which are part of our Industrial, architectural landscape heritage.

We will continue to fight for microgeneration incentives because after all every person or household in the country that pays an electricity bill also pays a PSO. So  it is a little unfair that the ordinary man in the street who pays the bulk of this PSO does not benefit from it in the form of any incentive that would help him to install his own microgeneration.




Fish-friendly hydropower at Sowton Weir

Sowton Mill stands on the  River Teign in Devon and has been using hydro power for over 400 years, initially to mill corn and then, from the 1950s, to generate electricity.  In the 1980s a 16kW crossflow turbine was installed which was the U.K.s smallest electricity contributor to the National Grid. To improve the power generation and aid fish migration a decision was made to install the fish-friendly Archimedean Screw hydro turbine. Sowton hydropower scheme was developed by a private client to provide a renewable source of electricity to the property on site with all excess power sold to the National Grid.

95kW Archimedean Screw Hydro turbine
95kW Archimedean Screw Hydropower turbine

Mann Power Consulting Ltd.,designed the Open Compact Archimedean Screw for this particular site which was manufactured by Landustrie in Holland.  An Open Compact is a self-supporting U-shaped steel construction minimising necessary civil work on site. The generator unit is an integral part of the construction, easily accessible via a weatherproof, hinged generator cover. The length and diameter of an Archimedean Screw will be dictated by the parameters of the particular site and are finished in the colour of your choice. All Archimedean Screws are manufactured as bespoke installations. Rated at 95kW it is expected to save in excess of 165 tonnes of Carbon Dioxide (C02) annually. The predicted annual output is 368,000kWh per year.

Fish-friendly hydropower at Sowton Weir
Closed compact Archimedean Screw

Improvements were also made to the fish pass at the nearby Weir.  These measures will make it easier for fish to move upstream and will add to the understanding of their migration patterns. The Archimedes  hydropower installation has improved the fisheries ecology of the river Teign by allowing more juvenile salmon and sea trout reach the sea. The improved fish pass at the weir means more salmon and sea trout can reach spawning grounds on the upper Teign. An automatic fish counter was also installed to count the fish numbers and species using the pass. This provides invaluable information for the Environment Agency and the Teign fishing association.

Sowton Weir
Sowton Weir

Once again we see the Ancient power of Archimedes being used for hydropower generation because if it’s fish-friendly credentials. The Archimedean Screw turbine provides a fish-friendly alternative to conventional turbines, ideally suited to low-head (1m-10m) sites, and sites with fish protection issues. Extensive fish passage tests have conclusively demonstrated that the large water chambers and slow rotation of the Archimedean Screw allow fish of all sizes, and debris, safe passage through the turbine. As a result, the Environment Agency has agreed that no screening is required.

If you are the owner of an old mill site or a potential hydro site or are a community group interested in developing a hydro project for community use please contact us here.

Going Wild at Regent’s Park Wildlife Garden

On a recent trip to London I decided to visit the world-famous Regent’s Park. There are several breathtaking gardens in Regent’s Park to enjoy. These include Queen Mary’s Garden, a glorious rose garden, St John’s Lodge Gardens, the Community Wildlife Garden and the beautiful tranquil Avenue Gardens. Lakes, wildflower gardens, secluded woodlands and meadows can also be seen. It is also home to London Zoo.  This world renowned conservation centre has over 650 species of fauna from all over the world and is the world’s first scientific zoo. Being a nature enthusiast the garden that appealed to me most was the Wildlife garden.

Just a short walk from Baker Street tube, on the South West side of Regent’s Park you will find the Regent’s Park Wildlife Garden.  The garden was constructed during 2006 and 2007 by the ‘Wild in the Parks’ team. It is a wildlife friendly community garden, designed, constructed and planted with help from local schools, community groups and volunteers. The garden aims to demonstrate how you can encourage and support wildlife in your own urban garden, even if it is only small, or if you don’t even have one.

IMG_5946 (800x600)The front garden planted with a selection of low growing plants was designed to show that if you have a car you can park it in front of your house without the need for a concrete drive. Front gardens are disappearing from urban areas at an alarming rate which means there are fewer places for wildlife to shelter and feed.

IMG_6126Tucked away in a nice sheltered corner of the garden surrounded by trees, hedging and wild flowers there is an insect hotel built out of recycled materials that was made by local school children.  The insect hotel helps to  increase the number of beneficial insects in the garden which in turn improves its biodiversity.  Much of the garden is also left to grow wild to provide cover for birds and to encourage butterflies and bees.

IMG_5949 (600x800)The main aim of the Regent’s Park Wildlife Garden is to provide a safe and friendly environment for people to visit and wildlife to flourish. Their non-intrusive gardening policy avoids the use of chemicals wherever possible, to use native plants that need little water to avoid draining precious resources and enrichment that includes a pond and bog to further the biodiversity of the garden. Ponds play an important role in the biodiversity of any wildlife garden. They provide breeding space for dragonflies, frogs and toads and are source of water for birds and mammals. If you have space, think about creating your own.

IMG_6043 (800x600)Local school children have been particularly busy with the creation of artwork which has been incorporated into the garden’s information boards. The boards provide information on how to increase the species of wildlife in the garden. Planting shrubs with berries to feed the birds in the Winter and leaving dead wood and fallen leaves for hibernation are just some of the advice shown on the colourful information boards.

Going wild at Regent's park Wildlife gardenAnother piece of artwork provides a central focus by the lake, an 8 meter long newt sculpture constructed from earth, turf and wild flower plugs and giving the impression that he has just crawled out of the water.

Going wild at Regent's Park wildlife gardenThe wildlife garden also has an interesting interactive sound bench powered by a solar photovoltaic panel. Visitors can sit and listen to tales from the local community on how their  parks are such special places. Over the years the amount of wildlife attracted to the garden continues to rise with finches, woodpeckers, long tail, blue and great tits all visiting with great regularity. Bird boxes, bat boxes and bird feeders are dotted throughout the garden to help encourage and increase wildlife visitors.

IMG_5951 (800x600)On the day of our visit the sun was shining through the autumnal leaves making this peaceful haven in the middle of London a delight to be in. Many of the plants were turning to seed and coming to the end of their flowering season. With the colder weather just around the corner the community volunteers were busy preparing for the Winter months ahead by ensuring to provide suitable hibernation habitat for the many species of mammals, invertebrates and beneficial insects to help enrich the local ecosystem, cleaning out and erecting new bird boxes, tidying parts of the pond and composting the garden waste.

IMG_5948 (600x800)The garden is open all year round to the public during daylight hours. This tranquil oasis in the heart of London is the perfect place to escape for a few minutes or hours and watch nature do it’s dazzling thing!  Cycling enthusiasts will be happy to hear that there’s a bike docking station just beside the entrance to the wildlife garden. A great way to get around to explore and discover the delights that the 410 acre Regent’s Park has to offer.

IMG_5961 (600x800)

Practical On-farm Renewable Energy event at CAFRE’s Greenmount Campus 28th October 2014

The annual “Practical On-farm Renewable Energy” event will be held on Tuesday 28 October at Greenmount Campus. DARD has again joined forces with the UFU, and AFBI to provide practical information for farmers and the rural sector about the various renewable energy options available for their businesses. This is a FREE event and is open to the public from 11.00am – 8.30pm. The follow-up event at CAFRE’s Enniskillen Campus will be held in February 2015.

Shane's Castle Archimedes Screw Installation - largest single screw ever to be manufactured
Shane’s Castle Archimedes Screw Installation – largest single screw ever to be manufactured & first to be installed in Northern Ireland

Renewable energy technologies continue to offer significant potential to improve the competitiveness and sustainability of farm businesses through reducing and enabling additional income streams, when employed in the appropriate situation. This event seeks to assist farmers and growers with identifying which technology, if any, is appropriate for their own business (or domestic) situation. It also aims to provide information and contacts which will aid progress through the many procedures required to bring such projects to fruition.

2nd hydro scheme installed in Northern Ireland for Omagh District Council
2nd hydro scheme installed in Northern Ireland for Omagh District Council

There will be a series of seminars throughout the day highlighting local case studies of the main renewable energy technologies; wind power, heat from biomass, biomass production and utilisation, biogas production, solar PV, micro-hydro and energy storage. A second series of seminars will deal with many of issues facing those considering installing a green energy source. Topics covered will include the Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI), grid connection, planning, NI Renewable Obligation Certificates (NIROC’s), finance and budgeting payback.

Practical On-farm Renewable Energy event at CAFRE’s Enniskillen Campus

The timing of the seminars is such that those attending can dip in and out of the seminars that interest them and spend time talking to some of the trade in the exhibition area or tour the renewable energy installations at Greenmount Campus to see some of the working technologies at first hand. There will be around 30 trade and ancillary stands providing both information on the various renewable energy technologies and guidance in overcoming any barriers to implementations.

Practical On-farm Renewable Energy event at CAFRE’s Enniskillen Campus

For further details, contact David Trimble at 028 9442 6682 or david.trimble@dardni.gov.uk.


Eco Evolution offer a friendly one-stop shop for hydro development in both Ireland and the UK from feasibility studies to licensing, to installation and commissioning and everything in between!

If you would like to discuss any aspect of your project prior to the show or want to arrange to meet us on the day please contact us here. We look forward to meeting you at the show.
New Schemes Needed To Encourage Microgeneration in Ireland

The Irish Wind Energy Association (IWEA) has called on the Government to introduce new schemes that would further encourage and incentivise the development of wind microgeneration in Ireland for farms, businesses and homes which the Association maintains could have significant benefits to farmers and rural communities.

Microgeneration is the production of energy on a small scale for farms, businesses or domestic homes. Typical microgeneration technologies include Wind Turbines, Solar Photovoltaic, Hydro Power and Combined Heat & Power (CHP) with equipment ratings below 11kW.

Microgeneration technologies - hydro, wind, solarpv
Microgeneration technologies – hydro, wind, solarpv

Caitriona Diviney, Chief Operations Officer of IWEA says that electricity costs rank among the main overheads for Irish farms, businesses and homes and that more wind microgeneration could help reduce costs, whilst allowing installers of microgeneration technologies to earn additional income by contributing the surplus electricity to the national grid.

She said “When compared to neighbouring countries such as the UK, the significant potential for wind microgeneration in Ireland still remains relatively untapped. Locally generated electricity can be yet another guaranteed Irish farm product, and can give farmers more control over their own electricity production.”

“We believe greater wind microgeneration can lead to more sustainable livelihoods and form part of the solution to reduce the overall carbon emissions of the industry.”

To encourage the development of wind microgeneration new schemes could be put in place to give farmers, small businesses and residential homes greater opportunity to invest in microgeneration.

“Some farmers and homeowners are already successfully availing of microgeneration and it is recognised as a long term investment however under current circumstances economic payback for a micro-scale wind turbine may not be achieved for more than ten years. In our pre-budget submission to the Government we have therefore, called for new schemes, akin to those in other countries, that could reduce the payback period, making this a much more attractive option for farmers but also for suitable small businesses and some residential homes.”
The Irish Wind Energy Association has launched a step-by-step guide aimed at helping farmers consider the options in availing of new microgeneration technology and is available for download on their website.

Recently Appointed Steering Group to advise on Energy Policy Paper in Ireland

Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources, Alex White T.D., opened the next phase of the public consultation process as part of the development of a White Paper on Energy Policy.

Minister White announced that he will chair a Steering Group that will advise on the finalisation of the Energy Policy Paper. He confirmed that John Fitzgerald (ESRI), Brian Motherway (SEAI, and Helen Donoghue (IIEA) are pleased to participate on the Steering Group, together with three officials from the Department.

green paper

The launch event was held in Dublin and was attended by over 150 stakeholders. In welcoming the attendees, the Minister noted the timelines of the event, one day after the UN Secretary General’s Climate Summit in New York, attended by over 120 Heads of State and Government. The Minister also reviewed progress to date and set out the next steps towards the development of a definitive Energy Policy Paper for publication by September 2015. The event follows the launch of the public consultation process with the publication of the Energy Policy Green Paper in May by the Minister’s predecessor, Mr. Pat Rabbitte, TD, which has stirred an enthusiastic debate on energy policy in Ireland across a diverse range of stakeholders. The consultation resulted in over 1,200 responses being received by the July closing date. The significant response demonstrates the strong interest in choosing the optimal route for future energy policy.

Minister White said, “My Department has conducted an initial analysis of the valuable contributions made by interested parties. The key issues raised in relation to each of the areas set out in the Green Paper have been identified. This launch event today kicks off further engagement with stakeholders, as I had previously indicated in July. My officials will host several events with stakeholders on all of the priorities set out in the Green Paper, to ensure that all of the issues identified in the submissions are fully understood. We want to be sure that the assumptions on which the White Paper will be written are tested and accurate. As I said in July following the great interest shown in the development of a fit-for-purpose Energy Policy, there is an absolute necessity for the White Paper to set a balanced, robust and enabling framework for Ireland’s Energy transition. I want a dynamic and responsive evidence based framework that will allow all of us to steer the appropriate course as we seek to deal with sustainability, security and competitiveness challenges and opportunities.”

The Minister went on to say, “Energy Policy is first and foremost about people – we need to ensure a safe, sustainable, economic and cost-effective energy sector, no matter who the consumer is, be they householders, small start-up businesses, multi-nationals – or one of our younger citizens needing access to a warm comfortable room for play, study or rest. We must develop an energy policy that underpins the social recovery that is underway and that facilitates further economic development for the betterment of society as a whole. We must not lose sight of this main goal, because an energy policy developed with this main aim in mind will be sustainable in the long term.”

future energy

The consultation process now continues with further engagement at various stakeholder events between now and the end of the year. Drafting of the White Paper will follow in the first half of 2015 with a view to publication of a finalised White Paper by September. The new Energy Policy Framework will be timely in that it will be guided by Ireland’s input to the EU’s 2030 Framework for Climate and Energy policies and the preparations for the UN’s COP21 in Paris (the 21st Conference of the Parties within the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change) in November next year.

Source: http://www.dcenr.gov.ie

Read full press release


Ampair 6kW Wind Turbine – an overview
The Ampair 6kw turbine combines practical and robust engineering with an elegant look. The turbine itself is a three blade, up-wind machine with an auto-furl mechanism to prevent over-speeding. Design considerations include a direct drive generator to minimise the number of moving parts and high specification components to ensure longevity.
The Ampair 6kW has been independently tested under the UK’s Microgeneration Certification Scheme (MCS). Comparison with MCS data for other turbines in the 5-6kw range reveals the Ampair 6kW is the most productive machine in its class. It is one of the most successful in the Ampair range since the business arrived in the U.K. due to it being incredibly flexible in application.
Ampair 6kW wind turbine
Ampair 6kW Wind turbine

Technical Specifications at a glance:

  • MCS Certified Product
  • Eligible for Feed-in tariffs or NIROC’s depending on where you live
  • Generates power continuously from below 3 m/s
  • Simple robust design
  • Tested in the strongest IEC class I wind conditions
  • Suitable for coastal locations
  • Multiple tower options
  • Models for grid connection, battery charging, or direct heating
Ampair 6kW Wind turbine
Technical Specification
Ampair 6kW Wind turbine
Power Curve

The Design:

Coatings: All main structural components are hot-dip galvanised or interzinc primed for enhanced corrosion protection.

Tail Rudder: When the prevailing wind blows the rudder will be forced parallel to the wind direction. This motion will rotate the turbine to face into the wind.

Tail Plane: Unlike the rudder, the tail plane does not direct the rotor. Its primary function is to aid the furling action of the turbine by lifting the tail in high winds.

Blades: The  fibreglass blades are recognised as one of the strongest and durable designs on the market. They are complete with winglets which enhance airflow to produce an incredibly quiet turbine.

Rotor: The rotor has a swept area of 24m². The design of our bearings, efficient generator and  blades allow the fixed pitch rotor to move freely; which is why no other competitor machines will better the 6kW on low wind start-up.

Paint Options: Choose your colours. We offer light grey, gloss white, off white and light green. Blade sets can also receive a gloss black finish. If you want something extra, we will do our best to provide.

Seals: Throughout the machine we use high quality seals to protect our bearings and other components. The generator itself is completely sealed from the natural environment, giving a long trouble free turbine life span even in the harshest conditions,

Bearings: Ampair only use the highest quality branded bearings. The bearings have been selected to last the machine lifespan without the need for their replacement.

Nacelle: Ampair are one of the few manufacturers who use galvanised steel nacelles. As a result of this design feature the turbine is extremely well protected from corrosion.

Yaw: Ampair uses a passive yaw design. Our high quality branded bearings, with no gearing, offer a yaw mechanism that is very robust.

Magnets: Ampair  use some of the worlds strongest Rare Earth Magnets (Ne-Feb-Br) available; maximising power production capabilitity.

Ampair 6kW Noise Report
Ampair 6kW Noise Report

The market place offers a colossal range of small wind turbines but if you want a robust and reliable machine that will run for many years with minimal maintenance  you will find it in the Ampair range of turbines. The 6kW is an excellent wind turbine for a stand alone system in remote locations and has a track record unsurpassed.

We are the Irish resellers and installers of the Ampair range of wind and hydro turbines.  If you have a site suitable for a wind turbine and you’re interested in generating your own electricity contact us here.


Blog Awards Ireland 2014 ~ We’re in the finals

I was absolutely thrilled when scrolling down through the list of  The Blog Awards Ireland 2014 finalists to discover that the Eco Evolution blog had reached the finals in two categories – Best Eco/Green Blog sponsored by ESB eCars and Best Science/ Technology Blog. What a great start to the weekend 🙂 It’s my second year to reach the finals in the Best Eco/Green Blog category. I’m up against some great blogs, but to reach the final stage is an honour in itself.

I’d like to extend my congratulations to all the bloggers who made it to the finals and commiserations to those that weren’t selected. The Blog Awards Ireland  is a great way to get your blog noticed and gain readership and most importantly discover other bloggers that you might not otherwise have heard of and make connections with those that share similar interests.

Blog Awards Ireland 2014 - we've reached the finals
Blog Awards Ireland 2014 Finalist

Best of luck to the finalists in all thirty categories and to the judges who have tough decisions to make over the next two weeks. The finals will take place on the 04th October in the Westgrove Hotel, Clane where we will see a blogger from each category crowned the winner. It promises to be a great night kicking off at 6:30 with a drinks reception and plenty of opportunities for chatting to other bloggers and getting photos. The meal starts at 7:30, each course is followed by the announcement of ten awards, ending around 10:30 with the announcement of the winners of Best Blog, Best Blog Post and the Glenisk competition.

Hats off to Lorna, Amanda and all the team for organising such a wonderful event.