Blog Awards Ireland 2014 ~ we’ve been nominated!

Wow, what a wonderful way to start the weekend. I’ve just discovered that my blog has been nominated in Blog Awards Ireland 2014, not just in one but in four categories. I’m gobsmacked to say the least 🙂 Last year I was a  finalist in the Eco/Green category and this year my blog has been nominated in the following categories.

Best Eco/Green Blog sponsored by ESB Ecars

Best Blog of an SME  sponsored by Mediabox

Best Technology/Science Blog ,

Best Mobile Compatible Blog sponsored by GSM Solutions

It is an honour to be listed in the company of  bloggers that I admire and whose blogs I read regularly.  This year sees a huge increase in blog nominations right across all categories and I’m delighted to see an increase especially in the Eco/Green category.  The awards are a great way to discover other bloggers from around Ireland that you might not otherwise have heard of and make connections with those that share similar interests.

Blog Awards Ireland 2014 ~ we've been nominated
Credit: Blog Awards Ireland 2014

For now we are in the Long List of nominations which we are delighted with. We will wait with baited breath to find out on the 22nd August  if we managed to get into the Short List.  The finalist judging will then take place and the winners of the coveted Blog Awards Ireland 2014 will be announced and presented with their well deserved awards in the Westgrove Hotel in Clane on 4th October.

Best of luck everyone and a very big thank you to our blog readers who felt that our blog deserved to be nominated.

Blog Awards Ireland ~ we've been nominated
Blog Awards Ireland 2014 ~ Credit: Earth First